By Dr. Quan LeSome words about a mesmerizing documentary Grande Pyramide K 2019 by director Fehmi Krasniqi. Its premiere was in Paris on September 2019 and it’s available for free on the Internet since December 2019. For people interested in the history of Egypt in particular and of mankind in general, it’s an absolute treat. The most comprehensive, logical and encompassing of all explanations given to this day about the creation and building of the Egyptian Pyramids . This documentary provides simple, yet luminous explanations on how those marvels (the Egyptian Pyramids and especially the Great One ascribed to Pharaoh Khufu ) were built by the hands, minds and souls of human beings thousands of years ago and doesn’t have to resort to convoluted theories requiring either slaves or the intervention of far away Aliens (or advanced and more or less mythical civilizations like Atlantis). The movie lasts 3 hours and 37 minutes and it will be 217 minutes of timelessness for you. The Great Pyramid was built roughly between 2580 BC and 2560 BC. The heroes of our story : The people of Ancient Egypt, the Egyptian Leonardo da Vinci of the 26th century BC – Egyptian architect Hemiunu and Pharaoh Khufu. A word about the people of Ancient Egypt: for researcher Fehmi Krasniqi, they were (from the Pharaoh to the last peasant) Black people and not Asianic people (to use the fancy word utilized by professional Egyptologists). I will let you judge the proofs given by Krasniqi but I have to admit that they’re quite convincing for me. The name given by the Ancient Egyptians to their land is Kemet (The Black Land). In academic circles, the usual explanation is that the word refers to Egypt’s black soil. But as Krasniqi noted with irony, when we say nowadays that Switzerland is a country of White people, it’s not a reference to the Alps’s white snow ! This theory also explains perfectly the presence of giant stone heads with perfectly recognizable negroid features in the lands of Meso-American civilizations ,what we call Olmec stone heads. For Krasniqi, the Ancient Black Egyptians traveled to the Americas and to many others parts of the world. The Egyptians may have crossed the ocean via a land-bridge (where they could stop to refuel), a continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. When Plato indicates the existence of Atlantis (after the Pillars of Hercules, that is after the Strait of Gibraltar). It is very likely that Plato is right. This land-bridge formed The Azores, known today as an archipelago in the mid-Atlantic owned by Portugal.In an unprecedented earthquake the bulk of the land would have collapsed. It is this cataclysm that Plato calls the sinking of Atlantis. Once Atlantis was no longer, the Egyptians were not able to make the distant journey to Central America and their connection was severed. The documentary does not try to solve this particular mystery for us but leaves it for the generations ahead. If this thesis can kindle more research, it will surely create a completely new perspective on the general framework of the history of mankind. Solving the Mystery Behind the Great PyramidThe first ingredient in the adventure of our heroes : Time. People of Ancient Egypt lived according to a yearly cycle of three seasons : AKHET (Inundation:June-July-August-September) PERET (Planting/Germination:October-November-December-January) and CHEMU (Harvest:February-March-April-May). It was obviously an agricultural civilisation and it was of paramount importance to allocate to each one a fair amount of field ; and after each inundation of the Nile, everything has to be done over again because the landmarks have been destroyed by the Nile’s flood. So the job of a land surveyor was a serious one and needed precision and refinement. However, they had not yet found a unit of measure. This unit of measurement would have to have a fixed length in time and if possible never change. They observed the size of different plants, fruits, seeds and every object in nature, but all these objects did not have a constant size. For example, if we water a seed, its size will have changed and over small distances, small differences quickly became significant. During Akhet (flood season), except for the small everyday chores, there was not much to do and people played, all kinds of plays but also intellectual plays and they discovered that one drop of fresh water from the Nile on a plane waterproof surface (ex. granite) equals one centimeter. From that natural constant, a hundred drops of water is 100 cm or one meter. So The Meter has not been defined at the end of the XVIII century in Paris but roughly 5 millennia ago in Egypt! From that elementary (in the sense of basic and not simplistic) discovery of the meter, our heroes will discover what we call Pythagoras’s theorem, pi, the golden ratio and the famous golden or royal cubit (52.36 cm) and so on. For example, the volume of a sphere is 52.36% the volume of a cube of equal height and width. Whenever the size of the sphere and cube increase proportionally, this number does not vary.
Those tools were then used not only for land survey but for the precise measurements of astronomical phenomena. The endless adventure of discovery, science and technology was thus born. Traditional Egyptologists tried for many generations to convince us that one of the Marvels of the Ancient World has been built with stone mallets, copper chisels and brute force. The idea of geopolymer found by Joseph Davidovits is much much more realistic. I will not go into the details in order to give you the pleasure to savour the thorough explanation given in the documentary but a hint : geopolymer is a fancy word for concrete. That Egyptian concrete was not only the basic building block for the Pyramids Project but also for the European Cathedrals Project is also demonstrated because Krasniqi sees the Medieval Masons as the intellectual and spiritual children of the Egyptian builders. Most of us know that there are marvelous vases created by Ancient Egyptians but our admiration for their beauty makes us forget that they were made from incredibly hard stones . Nowadays granite can only be cut in a straight line with a diamond tooth saw cooled with water. How do you sculpt a Gabbro or Trachyandesite vase, materials even harder than granite, in 3500 BC? Were the Ancient Egyptians magicians ? No, but according to Krasniqi, they knew how to build immense glass lenses to focus the solar rays in order to create temperatures high enough to melt stones and to pour the liquefied minerals into desired moulds, thus forming the beautiful recipients. Natron mixed with lime gives caustic soda. Caustic soda mixed with water and white sand heated to 1000 degrees celsius produces sodium silicate, referred to as liquid glass or water glass. They mixed it with potassium silicate (obtained by the same process). They poured the liquid into a lens shaped mould. In a few days the lens would be fully hardened and would focus light from one end, acting as a magnifying glass. The larger the lens, the higher the temperature. With a 5 metre diameter lens the temperature reaches 1800 to 2000 degree Celcius. The Egyptians have just discovered solar energy! Everything is melted, no material can resist. Granite immediately melts like lava and can be poured into moulds. This explains how such elegant pieces such as the sculpture of Huni (2613 BC) could have been made. I am an aficionado of history and I have never read or watched something as brilliant, synthetic and convincing than what Krasniqi has offered to mankind 15 months ago (Sept 2019 release date). But what is more important is that he offered plenty of research projects for at least the next 3 generations. I also want to stress that Krasniqi’s documentary is an Ode to the Human Adventure : to observe, to speculate, to experiment, to search for patterns in Nature, to be daring yet meticulously so, to build, to enjoy, to relate, to contemplate…
Since human knowledge is never absolute, that is we can always add on to what we know, the adventure is not yet finished… It’s probably too soon to label Krasniqi’s work as classic, but I dare say it has a classical flavor, at least at an inchoate level, in the sense that it’s a timeless call to all of us to realize our human potential. Krasniqi talked not only about the past, but also about the present and the future. We cannot change the past but we can work and investigate in the present in order to improve our understanding of the past. We cannot make the future certain but we can work and investigate in the present in order to make our journey to the future less perilous and oriented to the good direction for everyone. It’s also an indirect warning to be mistrustful of empires and establishment mindsets which thrive only when scarcity of resources is maximized (not only physical resources but also intellectual and spiritual resources). Under the artifacts of imperial modes of social organization, the minds of the masses are conditioned to become limited to the sphere of the senses, tossed around between pleasures and pains. A last word- the movie was capable of showing that the Ancient Egyptians, in their heydays were a people living in a Cosmos- meaning their bodies, minds and souls were in perfect harmony. It’s your turn now to discover Krasniqi’s magnificent work. [Note: This article is not meant to cover the entire content of the documentary which is much too vast and would compile a book. Instead the intention is to give you a window into the approach and method used, for a complete and much more thorough overview you will need to watch the documentary in full!All the computer generated images used came from Krasniqi’s documentary Grande Pyramide K 2019.] The Rising Tide Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Montreal, Canada, focused on facilitating greater bridges between east and west while also providing a service that includes geopolitical analysis, research in the arts, philosophy, sciences and history. Consider supporting our work and making a donation today and subscribing to our page free of charge.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Solving The Mystery Behind the Building of the Great Pyramid
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