By Dr. Quan LeIntroductionSometimes, anecdotes can be incredibly revealing : For instance, there is a common adage which features an Indian proudly saying to his Chinese friend “Look at the 135 Indian CEOs managing American companies”. His Chinese friend says in turn “Look at the 135 (in 2023) Chinese corporations on the Fortune Global 500 List created, owned and managed by the Chinese.” For the Chinese Confucian culture, thousands of years of thought have gone into the problem of the Aristocratic leadership dubbed ‘gentlemen’ which has always wielded a disproportionately large amount of influence in society. The danger for corruption is obviously great when high degrees of literacy accompany high degrees of capability to satisfy bodily pleasures and if a balance is not discovered, such distorted leaders can do the greatest damage to society at large. It is thus no surprise that the goal of Chinese cultural education which cultivates the minds, bodies and souls of ‘gentlemen’ has aimed towards both encouraging a healthy enjoyment of the bodily senses and having fun, while wielding wealth, power and prestige… so long as they are tempered by the higher ideals to which healthy souls should aspire. Wealth, power and a dazzling reputation, must not be considered ends unto themselves, but mere tools for higher and nobler purposes. It is the purpose of the following essay to elucidate these principles of Confucian cultural development with a focus on the education of ‘aristocratic men’ in order to better appreciate what dynamics are animating Asian thinking and universal history more broadly. An exploration of the Two FacesThere are two words in Chinese which are translated as ‘face’ in English. The gentleman is the person having his two faces integrated harmoniously. This is NOT to be confounded with the disharmonious “integration” proposed by occultists who attempt to infuse a face of lies with a face of truth, or a face of goodness with a face of evil in some Janus-like mysticism. The ideal of the healthy integration of the two gentlemen to which I am referring is perfectly expressed by the six following Chinese characters: The first ‘face’ in Chinese is LIAN 脸 (Lian2) : The first ‘face’ is your Original Face, the one the Whole granted you before your parents were born. On the plane of Time, if self-cultivation is real, Beauty will give rise to the inner sense of Justice; Goodness to Valor & Humanity (Moderation); Truth to Wisdom. Justice, Valor, Humanity and Wisdom were called by the Greeks and the Chinese “the Four Cardinal Virtues.” There is a more down-to-earth reading of Lian 脸 (Lian2), simply meaning your social reputation. For me, that understanding is part of the second ‘face’. The second ‘face’ in Chinese is MIAN ZI 面 子 (Mian4 Zi) : This face is simply about your lineage, your social status,your reputation, your health, your wealth, your power, your prestige, your networks. It also concerns your technical and professional knowledge, the information you master for navigating within your society. Your social skills, you being streetwise enough and capable of an easygoing attitude when interacting with others and creating consensus when needed. In 3 words : THE LOWER TRIGRAM (see image above). The vignette at the very beginning of the article illustrates, for me, the essential difference between the mindset of a Sovereign people and the mentality of a subjugated/enslaved/enthralled/controlled/mesmerized people having been ruled for most of the millennium before 1947 by foreigners. The foreigners which ruled over this people for nearly 1000 years included the Mongols, by the Central Asia Turks, by the Pathans (meaning the Afghans and the Iranians), by the British and to a lesser degree by the Frenchmen. The governing elites of the west which, in recent centuries have wielded the greatest (and most destructive) influence upon the diverse cultures of the world illustrated by the example above, we may call the “Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American Establishment” (KFC-AZAEL). I have chosen this title as it most befits the essential character of this peculiar expression of oligarchism which appears to have no capacity for nurturing a harmony between power, virtues and base lusts making this oligarchy incapable of even a modicum of practical competence and obsessed with restoring systems of control akin to feudalism (total enslavement and stupidification of their subjects) and thus qualify as the worst and most incompetent forms of government (ie: Khakistocracy). The term “Anglo-Zio-American Establishment” should need no explanation. The American component of the Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment (KFC-AZAEL) is continuing the job which the British component of the same gang APPARENTLY relinquished 76 years ago, in 1947. Sovereignty is first and foremost the Sovereignty of the MIND. And MIND Sovereignty is deeply correlated with the epistemological Journey– both personal & collective. All the other forms of Sovereignty (political, economic, social, financial, scientific, technological, diplomatic, artistic, etc.) are simply the natural and expected consequences of the essential and central Sovereignty of the MIND, at the personal and collective levels. There is a direct CAUSAL relation between the achievement of THE PERSONAL EPISTEMOLOGICAL JOURNEY and the PERSONAL MIND SOVEREIGNTY. The personal epistemological Journey is potentially achieved with the right role models and going through a Classical Education. A Classical Education is also called a Timeless Education or an Aristocratic Education. For the people born in the upper class or the upper middle class, that Classical Education is most of the time given by their families and even in their cases, success is not guaranteed. Receiving a Classical Education does not guarantee at all *** THE EXISTENTIAL ACHIEVEMENT of the epistemological Journey ***, far from it. For the others, they need a fair & powerful State capable of maintaining order, creating wealth and also offering the epistemological Journey (the Classical Education) for all. Please don’t mix up Classical/Aristocratic/Timeless Education with the concept of “professional training”. They are perfectly distinct. I don’t need to give any explanation concerning “professional training”- which is the learning of a trade. The Classical/Aristocratic/Timeless Education is not the learning of a trade. It is the epistemological Journey/Overture to the Timeless Reality of the Eternal/Timeless Forms of Beauty : Goodness : Truth. 道 : 势 : 历 史 (Dao4 : Shi4 : Li4 Shi3) aka TEMPUS : KAIROS : CHRONOS aka TIMELESSNESS (TRUTH-Goodness-Beauty) : epistemological JOURNEY : TIME (FACTS & MYTHS) aka BEING (Truth:Goodness:Beauty)’: epistemological OVERTURE : BECOMING (Wisdom:Valor:Humanity:Justice) If you visualize the 3 realities (BEING : OVERTURE : BECOMING) with a triangle, the epistemological Journey is at the center of the figure dynamically connecting TRUTH (The Timeless Forms of Beauty : Goodness : Truth) at the top vertex, MYTHS (narratives, storytelling) at the left vertex and FACTS (measures in space-time-energy-matter) at the other end of the Time Line (Becoming) at the right vertex. The bottom segment of the triangle is for HERMENEUTICS. The left segment is for THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE. The right segment is for HEURISTICS. The aristocratic men living at the mental center of the axio-epistemo-political triangle make perfectly the distinction between TRUTH, MYTHS and FACTS & are thus capable of orienting their decisions to the right direction of Universal History. The collective Sovereign MIND of a given Sovereign Nation is mostly the co-existent EXISTENTIAL SHINING FORTH of the personal Sovereign Minds coming from all the members of its OPEN ARISTOCRATIC OLIGARCHY (“aristocratic” meaning “rule by the best” and “oligarchy” simply meaning “rule by the few”) working together for realizing the common endeavor, The Common Good (Res Publica). 君 子 和 而 不 同 : Jun1 Zi3 He2 Er2 Bu4 Tong2 In the case of China, President Xi Jinping offered the Timeless Idea expressed as 人 类 命 运 共 同 体 (Ren2 Lei4 Ming4 Yun4 Gong4 Tong2 Ti3) or “The Human Community with a Shared Future”. This Timeless Idea is translated in Time by four interrelated endeavors : 1- The Global Development Initiative Hopefully, that open aristocratic oligarchy will expand with time, in order to include ever more worthy people from all walks of life having achieved existentially their own personal epistemological Journey and capable of contributing to the Common Good. As I already wrote many times, but a deep & encompassing Truth deserves to be repeated on numerous occasions: THE NUMBER ONE SCOURGE ON EARTH IS THE NON-SOVEREIGN PERSON– THE PERSON DEVOID OF A SOVEREIGN MIND. All the woes having happened on Earth during the last two centuries had at their center a non-Sovereign person, a group of non-Sovereign persons or groups of non-Sovereign persons. I want to focus on the two Centuries of Darkness (1839-2022); the two centuries which were monopolized by the KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment); the two centuries during which happened the two World Wars, 1914-1918 & 1939-1945. What is happening right now in Ukraine, in Palestine, in Japan, in South Korea, in India, etc., is essentially because of the non-Sovereign persons manipulated by the KFC-AZAEL’s kakistocrats for their own questionable goals, needless to say. At the risk of offending people, which is not my intention; except for the last three Sovereign Civilizational States on Earth (China, Russia, Iran) & I add North Korea in extremis, all the other countries (because of different weaknesses and deficiencies not so easy to correct) are not sovereign and I control myself for avoiding discourteous words. OF MINDS & MEN (II) |
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
OF MINDS & MEN: On Universal History and the Creation of Aristocratic Men (Part I-II)
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