For thousands of years, human beings have tried to make sense of the mysteries of creation through sacred myths, creation stories and a variety of religions. Now, a new game is in town which proposes to break from those old, outdated traditional religions by proposing that Aliens from other star systems or even alternate dimensions have been playing the role of angels, demons and God. Except, when one begins to peel back the layer of intelligence agencies, secret occult social engineers and military industrial psychiatrists shaping our culture, and mass perceptions over the past century, not only does one come to realize that the ‘UFO disclosures’ now being pushed in Congress and Mainstream media are nothing new, but the new re-branded Alien gods being sold to a modern audience look a hell of alot like the old Gnostic archons, and elementals sold to a credulous population nearly 2000 years ago. In this Sunday’s RTF presentation (December 1 at 2pm ET), investigative journalist Philip Collins will deliver a powerful presentation on the Gnostic roots of the modern UFO psy op based (in part) on the three part series he recently co-authored for Canadian Patriot Review which can be viewed here; Deception Through Disclosure Part 1: Decoding the Grusch Enigma Click below to access the live event on Sunday December 1st at 2pm ET:...Subscribe to Rising Tide Foundation to unlock the rest.Become a paying subscriber of Rising Tide Foundation to get access to this post and other subscriber-only content. A subscription gets you:
Saturday, November 30, 2024
RTF Invitation Dec. 1 at 2pm ET: From Angels to Aliens: The Gnostic Elements of Modern Ufology
Monday, November 25, 2024
November Special Offer: Digital copies of 'The Clash of the Two Americas' to all Paid Subscribers
As a thank you to all paid subscribers to the Rising Tide Substack, we will be offering the PDFs of volumes 1-3 of “The Clash of the Two Americas” history book series, as well as the four volumes of “The Untold History of Canada series.” These PDFs are included at the very bottom of this post. Also included are the archived copies of the Canadian Patriot magazine issues published between 2012-2019. Alex Krainer recently wrote the following review for ‘The Clash of the Two Americas’:
Other reviews can be found here. Feel free to share these with your network as you see fit, and if anyone wants to buy physical hard copies for themselves, friends or their loved ones, you can find links to do that right here. You can also view the CP Mini-Documentary Series on “The Clash of the Two Americas” below:Subscribe to Rising Tide Foundation to unlock the rest.Become a paying subscriber of Rising Tide Foundation to get access to this post and other subscriber-only content. A subscription gets you:
© 2024 Rising Tide Foundation |
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Geopoltical Masterclass with Tim Kirby (Sunday Nov. 24 at 2pm ET)
The world is being shaped by crazy, desperate and foolish ideas pertaining to power and the nature of humankind which could possibly drive us into a nuclear war in the short term. Many people have been told that Russia is behind all of their problems, from Trump, to the economic decline of America to this potential annihilation of civilization. This Sunday November 24 at 2pm Eastern Time, Tim Kirby (host of Tim Kirby Russia) will deliver a geopolitical masterclass to the Rising Tide Foundation and you should listen in live. Like usual, a unique opportunity to talk directly with Tim will be available to you and some mind expanding lessons about our world will be provided. Click the zoom link below to access the live event:... Subscribe to Rising Tide Foundation to unlock the rest.Become a paying subscriber of Rising Tide Foundation to get access to this post and other subscriber-only content. A subscription gets you:
© 2024 Rising Tide Foundation |
Sunday RTF Double Feature: Peace Roundtable at 11am ET, and Joaquin Flores Geopolitical Masterclass at 2pm ET
This Sunday March 2, The Rising Tide Foundation will be sponsoring two live events designed to shed light on the geopolitical battleground s...
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Rising Tide Foundation cross-posted a post from Through A Glass Darkly Rising Tide Foundation Dec 2 · Rising Tide Foundation Watch Episode ...
Rising Tide Foundation cross-posted a post from Rising Tide Foundation Rising Tide Foundation Apr 13 · Rising Tide Foundation For people in...