On Sunday September 29 at 2pm Eastern Time, Cynthia and I will be hosting a live seminar in Toronto where we will discuss the importance of navigating responsibly through traps, and false narratives in an age of deception. Cynthia will unpack the roots of MK Ultra, and the parent Tavistock Clinic’s modus operandi for global mind control. After this, I will deliver a lecture on the enduring problem of unreconstructed fascists that were never punished after WW2, and how this unresolved end to the last world war is behind every major attrocity of the 20th century, including the dangerous slide into a thermonuclear war today. Our new Toronto venue (which will be in Markham) has a capacity for 92 people, but get your tickets sooner than later. The specific address will be sent out Saturday evening. Click below to buy your tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/freedom-is-not-about-parties-but-universal-principles-toronto-tickets-1004903161407?aff=oddtdtcreator
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Cynthia and I will be speaking in Toronto on September 29. You're invited
How the British Invented Communism (and blamed it on the Jews) [RTF lecture with Richard Poe]
In this week’s Rising Tide Foundation lecture, guest speaker Richard Poe showcases the British empire’s role in subverting revolutionary movements against empire from the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and everything in between (and after… including the more refined ‘color revolutions’ of our modern age). Mr. Poe will additionally address the grooming of anti-Jewish sentiments by the same British imperial forces to deflect attention away from the true arsonists lighting the world on fire. Access Richard Poe’s substack here: https://substack.com/@richardpoeThe Rising Tide Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Montreal, Canada, focused on facilitating greater bridges between east and west while also providing a service that includes geopolitical analysis, research in the arts, philosophy, sciences and history. Consider supporting our work by subscribing to our substack page and picking up some Rising Tide Foundation merchandise! Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion.” You're currently a free subscriber to Rising Tide Foundation. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. © 2024 Rising Tide Foundation |
Saturday, September 21, 2024
RTF Lecture invitation Sept 22: Not Another Golden Age? Golden Ages Then and Now
While it’s become popular to lament the loss of some bygone “golden age,” we believe such thinking is not only unfounded, but may even blind us to a golden age in our midst. One can find in the laments of Renaissance minds like Petrarch, the criticism of tragedians like Friedrich Schiller, and the disappointments of elder statesmen like Solon and Seneca similar dissatisfactions to what many decry today. From critics bemoaning the fickleness of public opinion to the masses’ insatiable appetite for novelty, students of history and lovers of wisdom will recognize similar discontents expressed in any past “golden age.” Join the Rising Tide Foundation on Sunday September 22 at 2pm ET where guest speaker David Gosselin will lead in an exploration of the true nature of golden ages across history, through the eyes of their greatest minds, and reflect on what it all means for us today. David Gosselin is the editor-in-chief of The New Lyre and writes on Age of the Muses on Substack Log onto the live event on Sunday Sept 22 at 2pm ET using this link:... Subscribe to Rising Tide Foundation to unlock the rest.Become a paying subscriber of Rising Tide Foundation to get access to this post and other subscriber-only content. A subscription gets you:
© 2024 Rising Tide Foundation |
Sunday RTF Double Feature: Peace Roundtable at 11am ET, and Joaquin Flores Geopolitical Masterclass at 2pm ET
This Sunday March 2, The Rising Tide Foundation will be sponsoring two live events designed to shed light on the geopolitical battleground s...
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Rising Tide Foundation cross-posted a post from Through A Glass Darkly Rising Tide Foundation Dec 2 · Rising Tide Foundation Watch Episode ...
Rising Tide Foundation cross-posted a post from Rising Tide Foundation Rising Tide Foundation Apr 13 · Rising Tide Foundation For people in...